Online Services

Contrary to popular belief dog training is just as much about coaching the human end of the lead as it is working with puppies and dogs.

With the wonders of technology you do not need to leave your home to have a 1-2-1 consultation with an Accredited Trainer.

All our online sessions are with a live trainer.

There are huge benefits to online training and although we love working with people and their dogs in person, online tuition has allowed us to offer our professional guidance to people in the comfort of their own home without them worrying about their dog during the session. Not to mention on bitterly cold and wet days it beats standing in a field ;) For those that work long days we can be more flexible with evening appointments.

Many dog training problems can be discussed without seeing them in person. Plans and training programs can be put into place and carried out at home with good results. In many cases this is a great first step before an in person practical session.

This means we can help people across the UK and save your time in travel.

The internet, your family, friends and passers by will all have advice for you when it comes to dog training, it can be a minefield of conflicting and sometimes outdated damaging advice for new and experienced caregivers. As accredited dog trainers we are here to guide you through the noise, helping you over come challenges, avoid common mistakes and show you kind and effective methods to achieve a happy fun loving family friend that is a joy to be around.

Customer Reviews

“We’ve found the online classes so helpful. The format is great and so many opportunities to ask questions both during the session and in between. Learning lots and as new puppy owners - good to feel supported!” - Aparna Sanyal

“We’ve found the online puppy training classes fab and we have already recommend to a friend who gets their pup the end of this month” - Jessica Hatch

“We have learnt a lot from the online classes. The current circumstances have found that online puppy training DOES still reap benefits. I recommend online puppy life skills.” - James

“The advantage of not having a squiggly puppy requiring your full attention in the field, compared with a calmer one at home, meant I could actually listen to what you were saying, and combined with the class notes fully practice ( again & again) the training exercises. The question and answer sessions in the on line sessions are very useful, that you can capture all the questions.” - Mary McPherson

“I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the online course, despite initial reluctance to join. Your manner, delivery of information and the way you explain things are all excellent. The Q&A session is really useful.” - Emma

“Online puppy training worked really well, I was a little sceptical at first thinking this won't be the same, no dog socialising, no chatting to people face to face but I was proved wrong. I actually really liked it, I felt I could concentrate better and focus on what Steve/Corrin was saying plus if it was raining I wouldn't have to stand outside in a muddy wet field in the rain, bonus! I could sit with a cup of coffee and take it all in. I loved the video's they really helped and I could refer back to them in my own time, which I found really helpful.” - Jackie Hooper

“I didn’t want on-line as I thought it would be impersonal and I am not all that techy so downloading apps was a no-no. Steve was brilliant in sharing the merits and allowing me to get that much needed continuity. The Zoom app was easy to download and set up and I clicked on the meeting link and up came Steve who then guided me on how to allow video. If I can do it anyone can and I am so pleased to be able to continue to get the much appreciate support, hints and tips. Looking forward to another zoom meeting next week.” - Chris

To enquire about 1-2-1 training please get in touch here

Online Dog Training Questions & Answers

Does Online dog Training Work?

  • Yes, much of what we do as dog trainers is gathering information from you, coaching you with techniques that you can teach your dog and talking body language and management to help you achieve behaviours you want to see more from your dog.

Are There Any Benefits to online dog training?

  • You can talk, listen and watch without worrying about your dog being distracted. When learning new behaviours it is best introduced and practiced without distractions. If you’ve ever attended an in person session with us you will have heard us say practice at home first.

  • You can start pre-vaccination.

  • Not all dogs thrive in group environments or travel well in the car this is also a great option in this case.

  • The weather will not call off your appointment.

  • We can offer evening appointments during the winter as the darker evenings do not hold us back.

What Platform Do we use for our online dog training?

  • We are currently using the platform Zoom. A link to join the session is sent via email.

Is there a live dog trainer present?

  • Yes, usually Steve but Corrin does make appearances too.

will i need to log in at a certain time?

  • Yes. A time and date is arranged when booking 1-2-1 appointments.

Do i need a lot of space to train my dog at home?

  • No. You can set yourself up in an area and position the laptop to demonstrate your training during the live session but you can also sit with a cup of coffee and practice later. Either way we encourage you to send videos via WhatsApp so we can celebrate your success’s and help problem solve.